Every time I think I’m going to embark on the new ground I thought I’d be covering, something really familiar jumps up and says, “Psych.”
Been there, done that…kinda like most things…only hitting a different beginning on the wheel I know so well. The trick will be avoiding the spots where I blew through the structure and fell before. I think I can do it.
New to me this year…though still a writing, editing, formatting, publishing event is Kindle Worlds. I’ve never done one, though I was invited previously. Whelp, today is the day. The release is not officially until tomorrow…but the almighty Zon popped the links and the 20 new Paranormal Dating Agency stories are up for readers to devour. If you’re on facebook…you should check out the group where the authors will be doing the launch tomorrow…MT Kindle Worlds I think it’s called. There are PRIZES for reading. WHO KNEW?!
Anyhoop, in the interest of getting back on the wheel before it laps me, I’ll just drop the fancy lil link right HERE and say Enjoy!

Thanks for checking it out. Who knows…I’m supposed to do a couple more of these things…this could be a new hump on the proverbial wheel of Savie. Let’s see how fast I can run.