Wording away

It’s Wednesday, another worder type day and I’m scrapping away with the vowels and consonants trying to make pretty pretty phrases that show not tell… Riiiiight. I’m staring out the window wishing that I was sitting in the sand somewhere...

Social gems on Media Monday

I didn’t forget. Inspiration decided to knock my brain into high gear at 2 am and I’m in recovery mode. Still, want to make sure to share a social media gem I saw this week Elizabeth Gilbert on Your Elusive Creative Genius: TED Talks for Writers...

F3 Friday – Go!

Margaret’s tale (the first part anyway) has been out for nearly 60 days now…Have you read it? Let’s make this glorious friday an interactive one so I can go enjoy Beltane eh? Wherever you see this post, on the blog or one of the reprint...