When there's no one left but you.

For all the myriad reasons why words don’t come, I know this much to be true. On days when the world slows and I can see clearly, the only reason there is for me not to have written, is me. It is a hard truth. It is also an easy truth. We as writers can fool...

Last Call

The crack of the whip is still echoing. I have been told to get my arse in gear and get the MS for Some Might Call It Magick wrapped up and turned in. Interestingly enough, I have almost found my way to the mindset to do just that. With that in mind as we begin the...

Would be wording

*SIGH* I was most excited to believe that I stood on the precipice of finally writing Kingdom’s Fall. I showed my grand plans to a colleague who has been trying to ‘learn’ me how to plot. They managed to point out in 15 minutes as many plot holes and...

Satisfaction factor 10

I’m bushed. This past weekend was canning weekend #1 of the season. My bones are insisting that we call it a year already. Somehow I just cannot bring myself to do that. There is an immense satisfaction in December to have the flavors of summer sweet corn and...