I think I’m in love. I went looking for inspiration as I work on Kingdoms and WOAH MAN did someone deliver. Gracious me I have fallen hard for a vector artist/photographer from the UK named Angela Harburn. Every piece is better than the next and every nuance screams Scath to me…or Amaranth, but mostly Scath. It’s like she’s seen into my brain and popped it out into image.
Beyond that, we got dumped on over the weekend. The actual snow fall wasn’t too bad, but the drifts are murder. One state road has FIVE FOOT drifts.  Yes, 5 FOOT not inch…crazy. I’m watching more fall out the window as I type this amazed that the clouds aren’t bone dry. *shrugs* I’m not complaining, I like the snow, I’d just prefer to be home before it begins and have both girls in safe for the evening as well.
As usual, my plate is a spot full and I’m furiously writing every spare moment. It was pointed out to me that I need to update the cafepress store as there is nothing for Watchtower. I have been so busily working on everything else I forgot I HAVE a cafepress store. I didn’t forget I have a website, but that too needs some attention as soon as I finish what I’m on right now. Perhaps a week or two out, but I’ll get there and be diving into the next bit.
For all of you who are readers…what’s good right now? For the writers…a little thing to keep the perspective that I found earlier…
…which is my way of reminding you (and me) to get to it!
See ya next week. -Aedan