SO many things are mid- to late-change right now as the summer signing season takes over from the spring signing season and bookies everywhere make plans for stalking. We authors are no different. We want to fan-girl other authors at the events we attend…it just gets done in sprints back and forth.
Me, I’m mid-planning for a couple double do months. I’m scanning the rosters and watching the author announcements, waiting with bated breath to see the floor plans to know which authors will be close, and which ones I’ll be racing around the room to catch a minute with. I’m usually gunning 220 with my hair on fire trying to squeeze in a few stolen moments between manning the table of my stories. It’s just the way it is. So why…if the events aren’t quite here yet, am I already tired? I feel like I could sleep for a week and still come up short.
No matter. I’ve zombie’d more than one event before. And honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way. There is a resounding “ALL OF THEM” in answer to the question of who is more important at an event…readers, or my fellow authors. I wouldn’t trade a one. So, with that in mind, I’m packing my 5-hours and no doze right next to my ‘gittur done’ attitude. It’s summer signing season and I can sleep when winter returns.
What’s your best ‘get everyone in – in the short window’ secret?