10454296_361006674073419_7970775334814670469_nJust reminding myself what it’s all about. Since I can’t well post pictures of all the amazing readers, this will have to get me there for now. This is the goal…to get these beauties into the hands of the readers.
As many of you know, I spent time recently working with a plotting guru and I learned A LOT! A Lot, a lot…like you’ve been mucking it up you daft buffoon a lot. 🙁 It is both good and not so great all wrapped into one. I did some things right, but not everything and I sort of shot myself in the arse along the way. It is completely fixable, but it means that the path I thought I was walking has taken a slight tangent off the main trajectory that will add some legwork to the journey.
I have been an odd conflagration of plotter and pantster writer these past however longs and it will catch up to me and kill the series if I don’t fix it. I need to go back through my writing and catch the misses, then make sure that they get remedied in the next book, Kingdoms Fall…which in turn means that depending on how much I have, KF may be a transitional novel instead of the book I have been working on/thinking it to be. It also means that when I complete this process that I should have something I have been vacillating with for months now…a clear notion of if Kingdoms is the final book in the series (which was the original plan) or if it is simply the next in a larger body of work (which is what the belief had become at the time Oracle was printed.).

“The path is paved with obstacles but they too are the path.”

-Through the Oracle’s Mist

I don’t know where this road goes now, and that’s okay. I don’t need to. I have to stop, take stock of what I have and need to fill in and then step off again with the clear notion of if Kingdoms Fall will be a massive tome and the final piece of the Vengelys story, or if it is the piece that connects the dots so that the rest of the books to follow can become more than the first were.

Thank you for hanging on the journey with me. I’m anxious and excited either way. If Kingdoms is the last it simply means that the doorway is then again open to whatever comes next. If it is book III of and unknown larger number…that too is a grand adventure. Hitch up your hikers…we’re bound for something great!
