The looming edge

Some people say the difference between sane and insane is a leap of faith into the abyss. I believe I know that cliff. I’m dancing her rise on a regular basis of late as I write and revise, write and revise. Some days I think if I leap I will soar and rise above...

Party on Wayne

This weekend marked the last formal event for me on the 2015 schedule, Great Lakes Book Bash. Hosts Rachael Brownell and Casey Bond did an amazing job of culling some fabulous writers from all stages of their careers and bringing them together for a grand event among...

My self-aggrandizing post

Just a quick Friday post since the boss is off to a signing. Have you read any of the nominees for the BTS Magazine 2015 book awards? Eclectic Bard Books has FOUR authors nominated! ME ME ME…for Best Book – The Red Queen Aedan Byrnes…for rising star...

Methods & madness

Just when I think that I’ve finally grasped the method to the rainbow seizure of post its going up, on what looks like a big calendar to me, something changes. I thought I understood why there were places and conflicts and such, and I almost understood the going...