Yule passed me by without a flutter, Christmas is finally over. It hasn’t been the best holiday for me, but I managed to survive yet again. While I didn’t have the Norman Rockwell Christmas, I did take time to acknowledge that I am blessed. I have a roof over my head, food on the table, family and friends, I can still get around, and I have an exciting and promising future. That is more than some people have. Counting my blessings has always kept me humble. It also keeps me focused on the important things in life.

I look forward to 2016. The coming year offers me new beginnings. I will have the opportunity to do new and exciting things, meeting new people along the way. Hopefully, some of these people will become friends and an integral part of my life.

My first book is still going through edits, but getting ever closer to the end. It won’t be long now before I hand it over to my publisher for the ‘Sea of Red’ edit. I must be a little masochistic, because I’m looking forward to it. I know that once I receive her edits and get it all worked out, my book is a step away from being a published tome. That part thrills me to no end. I’ll take a deep breath, and continue working on the second in the series. LOL No rest for the weary in this game.

While the house is quiet, and everyone recuperates from the holiday excitement, I sit in my writing cave, working through edits, planning and plotting.

I hope you enjoyed your holiday with family and loved ones. May the coming year bring all that you wish for.

See you next year!

~ Madison
