For the first time since I started writing my weekly blog with the Bard, I find myself unprepared. It’s been that kind of week. I seem to be a victim of Murphy’s Law. If it could wrong, it did, in spades. I’m trying to rise above the chaos, but it’s a struggle.

Looking back, there have been a few positive notes. I’ve started on Book 3 of my series. OK, it’s a small start, but at least it’s on the board. Really need to learn that plotting idea that Savannah raves about. I think looking into Cherry Adair’s genius might be on the agenda in the near future. My characters have told me the beginning and the ending. They haven’t filled me in on the middle yet. We shall have a talk in the near future.

I’ve gone through Book 2 with my first pass at revisions. There will be more before it’s all said and done, I’m sure. I have time on that one. So it’s not a pressing matter. It’s nice knowing that I have the bulk of it done.

As soon as the Pony Express (local mail delivery leaves a lot to be desired) delivers my manuscript, I’ll be working on the final edits of Book 1. Intense work, and then off to the publisher it goes. Phoenix Rising will finally become a finished product. I can’t say it’s about time. From start to finish, this journey has only taken 6 months. But for this new author it has been an intense journey. One that I have learned so much and still have so much more to learn. It’s been an exhilarating experience.

And in between, I’ve been doing a lot of reading. Snagged onto some new authors (to me) that I want to keep track of for future books. I love falling into a good story. And now, it gives me motivation to be a better writer.

I hope you find a good book to fall into. Get swept away for a while.

Till next week,

~ Madison