Two days ago there was an announcement made that The Red Queen was nominated for Best Book for 2015 with the BTS magazine book awards. More than once I’ve caught myself staring at the wall in disbelief. I want to take a moment first off to say thank you to everyone who read it, everyone who posted a review, everyone who gave it to a friend, and everyone who appreciated the point of it.
I am filled with mixed thought right now. Three years ago today, Margaret passed beyond this world away from us. I find a great joy in the idea that perhaps she had a hand in the voting that brought her tale to the next round of nominations for the award. I find a great sadness in the thought that she isn’t here to see it come to pass. This series would likely be very different without her. The Red Queen certainly would have a different track, if in fact she got one at all.
I hope that somewhere beyond this place we recognize that she has seen the tale unfold and decreed it worthy. I plan to spend a good deal of time with her in the forefront of my mind later this year when the cold winds are blowing to write the second part of her story and final book of the series, Lock & Key.  That event too holds mixed emotion.
Part of me looks forward to the telling. Another part of me considers it as it sits on my desk with great trepidation because there is the inevitable final line and I will fight not to write ‘The end’. We’ve already had to say goodbye once, I’m not inclined to do so again.
So, with that in mind I will say to my (our) sweet friend Margaret, on this anniversary day and every other one between;
Until we meet again one day my friend…we miss you.