I would sleep if my head would shut down long enough to allow it.
I would cry if I had sufficient motivation.
I would emote all over the place if not for one small thing…
…I am mid vomit-cycle on a book that is coming due faster than I think we can finish it. We, and I say we because I’m co-writing with another author the next installment in their series. It’s been a grand adventure and huge learning experience for me. I think it’s been an exercise in “Don’t kill Savie” for him.
I cannot pantster write for love nor money. I simply can. not. do it. He conversely, is not a plotter by any stretch of the imagination. My wall of sticky notes is foreign to him, where for me it is a beautiful story that I can read from across the room. With coffee and a lot of quiet time, I can translate it to the page. After seeing more than one version of this tale where too many pieces got lost, when we decided to work together, I insisted we try it my way.  In the interest of getting the story done once and hopefully for all, he agreed.
I think it’s going marvelously.  My evidence? I am sleep deprived and exhausted because I cannot shut down easily after a long session, But more than that speaks to the success of this effort… Last week, I had four deaths of close friends or long time acquaintances. FOUR. in less than a week. I, we…lost multiple writing days and yet even with the distractions we managed to crank out 38 THOUSAND words. That averages to just under 5.5 thousand per day and we didn’t write everyday. I was not available physically for some because of funerals, and mentally for others.  Our production should have suffered. It didn’t nearly as much as it could have and at least by my normal writing routine, it was even up a bit.
It is a huge volume of production for 7 days to reach 38 thousand. I’m not going to suggest that every combined effort will work out so well, and as the book has not come out to be criticized for what we did or didn’t do right, I suppose this is a spot premature. But, I’m exhausted, I’m emotional, I’m sleep deprived, and yet I’m twitchy to get back to the writing desk and get more words to the tale. It has become an obsession, which for me, is when I know at least something is going the right direction.
See you on the page. Until then, send coffee! ~Savannah