Yehp. Friday came and went and I was none the wiser. So, it is F3 Saturday.
I’ve spent some recent time thinking about Some Might Call it Magick, the next book in the series. As you were made aware last week, I’ve also wondered if this genre has past its peak. I cannot say that I know the answer to either. With SMCiM I have a collection of shorts about people you’ve met so far in the series who will not get their own book but do have a story to tell. It’s a liberation of sorts as there are no boundaries for them.
Short stories are classified as under 7,500 words and these are easily that. In some ways it is bringing the series full circle before the last installation as Swingers was technically novelette length, The Dom’s Diary was Novella length and Maggie’s tale, The Red Queen was well past the threshold for novel length. How fitting that there should now be a short story group in the mix?
Last up will be Lock & Key. I know that story better than I know any of the shorts coming out next. That story also marks the end of the F3 series. It is with mixed emotion that I put it off until next year (which is where it was slated anyway) as I do not know that I have a book goal beyond it.
I have been given great opportunities to help other authors recently and I’m honestly enjoying it more than the pen just now. There is a decision on the horizon. Perhaps I’ll know the answer to that question when then sun sets on F3.
Then again, perhaps I won’t.