It’s almost time for Margaret to return to the F3 scene in The Red Queen. As I work to wrap up the book and have everything finalized for it to drop I have been pondering the “What’s next?” question. I think I have an answer for you.
What’s next is Some Might Call it Magick, a flash release from a couple of years ago has the same title. SMCiM will be book 4 in the F3 series and I have decided it will be a collection of shorts. Besides Carolyn and B. Michael, I think we’ll get the story on a few others we’ve encountered in the F3 series and see who, what, or where they are now.
Further, SMCiM will also, (I sincerely hope) be out late in 2015 to get the release schedule for F3 back on track. This is the goal, albeit a soft one at this time. Until I wrap up TRQ and another project I’m working on, I cannot commit to a hard release date. As we saw with TRQ the best laid plans do not always consult with me when they change.
I want to take a moment to say a huge thank you to everyone who has waited and asked about TRQ since Swingers hit way back when. I appreciate your patience while Maggie and I sorted out how this story would be told and got it to the page. Margaret’s story is not a full out erotica read the way The Dom’s Diary was. It is also not an e-serial compilation like the first two books. It is more a coming of age and finding your place in the world tale where our sweet Mags finds hers as The Red Queen. I hope you enjoy her story!
Lastly, I want to say thank you for being willing to morph with me. Each book in the F3 series has been/will be unique. Swingers was the red carpet that opened the door to this world I love. The Dom’s Diary was the shadow and raw edge where the wheat separates from the chafe. The Red Queen is the balance and I hope that comes through for the readers as it has for me. Some Might Call it Magick is shaping up to be the binding pieces to tie the first three stories more solidly together. And, Lock & Key, the final book, is to my thinking the conclusion of where the story was supposed to go from the first word when I didn’t yet know the whole tale. I appreciate every reader and hope that you have learned something on our journey even if it is an appreciation for the complex amid things that seem simple from the outside.
At a time when ‘erotica’ reads are a dime a dozen and a new author is putting out work each day, I hope that these books have given you enough information to know the difference between reading the world and thinking to experience it and what to seek should you choose to try. Safety is not a laughing matter. Security and trust are not catch-phrases. Not all scenes are sexual and not all that use the name Dominant are gentlemen/women. Know the difference. Surrender if you choose, but scene safe!