58514_10151376652723173_223951946_nThe struggle is real.
I’m loosely working on SMCiM & finding that part of my brain is really not in it…I’m still in Maggie’s story working on the next pieces and how Lock & Key comes together. I find it intrinsically amusing as the stories are all inter-related. So I think I’m going to bask in the sun for a spell and see if I can separate the pieces and make the stories stand where they need to be. Taking some time to keep the ‘eagle eyes’ open for opportunities…or the Raven eyes as it were.  🙂
Meanwhile, I hear we are getting ready to announce a new author…neener, neener…I know who it is and you should be excited!!  So, for the crew at Eclectic Bard- Welcome aboard to the new author…can’t wait to read ya!