So normally I would be posting a social media link, and it should have been monday but I’m gonna miss on both counts. Been at the RT convention in Dallas hobnobbing with the greats and the soon to be greats…
Had a PHENOMINAL class with Cherry Adair who has achieved GOD status in my book (and I hope I win the red Friends Fight Together purse – j/s). Got a couple great squitchy hugs from the amazing Darynda Jones who blows my everything away every time I see her live. Met some ‘OHMYGODS you need to be reading these people’ new authors and had a couple insanely good meals that I will be dieting off for the next 6 months. ((Seriously…the warm whiskey pecan pie at YO is TO DIE FOR!))
COMPLETELY out of time to keep gushing…but had to pop on and post since I was nowhere near internet the last few days to do it on time. I’ll find a good social media post somewhere before my next scheduled post on Monday…Keep reading!