WOW! 2018 came in with a gut punch.
Around here, temps are hovering in the double-digit sub-zeros with wind chills colder than that. I know this is not unique to my area, the entire country is BRISK today. Some more so than they are used to baring. Welcome to the new year.
I have to admit, I was ready for 2017 to be done. Being a very private person I’ll skip the specifics but, there were too many hurdles in the last months for my liking. The last few days frosted everything, and while I don’t want to go into copious detail…I’ve added treadmill stress test to my ‘been there, done that, bought the t-shirt’ list. Once was enough. I’m not going back, which means change must happen.
2018 was scheduled to be another year of my normal crazy…that has to shift a bit. I’m working to put pieces in play to keep the year mostly on track with the new additions to the agenda that were not by choice. Only time will reveal if I can manage it. I can’t say yet if the writing schedule will have to give, the publishing one, or if things can titrate out to work…I just don’t know. I guess this is the fair warning shot. We’ll learn together.
So, as we all embark on this new year…I hope you have great goals and plans to make it the best one yet. I myself believe after the last few weeks and months that there is no where else to go for me but up. Join me, won’t you?
I’ll keep you posted on new projects and news as it’s available. Until then, stay warm, read something great…and share with friends and family!