New Year…whoops.

I keep thinking I have more time than I do. It’s nearly the end of June and I’m completely flummoxed by that at the moment. This post will be short-ish…but oh so sweet! I have two things to share…ONE is that for this week, Gravedigger…my...

New Year…new titles

This year will have a landmark number of new titles for me if I pull off everything I have planned. At the moment, I am one off the goal because of some mandatory training time for the other me, and I am adjusting. The goal is still possible, but it’s going to...

New Year- Even the Old is new again

YEOWSA. The world is turning faster than I think I can keep up. I can honestly claim that I’m meeting myself – at the door, at the coffee pot, and at the pillow. Part of the crazy is my own fault, I took on A LOT this year…but other parts, are just...

New Year – Need sleep

SO many things are mid- to late-change right now as the summer signing season takes over from the spring signing season and bookies everywhere make plans for stalking. We authors are no different. We want to fan-girl other authors at the events we attend…it just...

New Year – New Plan

Being an author in today’s environment is akin to being fitted for a straight jacket that you may or may not ever wear…and if you do, it will likely be without notice. The world as you know it will upend and scramble in the time it takes you to refresh the...

New Year – New Oooops

Running in circles is dangerous I’ve discovered. In my quest to keep up with so many pieces, I wasn’t paying attention. Consequently, I’m going to be far more ‘gold’ than I’m used to for at least the next 4 – 5 weeks. What? As...

New year – New…what?

Some days, I amaze myself. Others, I wonder how I managed to wear matching shoes. Lately, I’m finding that my head is often on autopilot. I think it’s a defense mechanism because I’ve got such a miasma going on. Different works, different research...

Not so new

I’m a habit girl. I know this is supposed to be my ‘New Year  – New Everything’ year, and in many ways, it is. But then there are the things that I’ll be fighting tooth & nail to remain status quo. I’m losing many of these, but...

New Year…New lesson

As you may recall, I’ve been a busy beaver lately. With 4 releases in roughly 8 weeks, it’s been a bit helter-skelter. BUT, without it, I would not have the latest “Oh” moment, thanks to a reader. Baiting a Berserker came out last...