It’s Valentine’s Day. Historically speaking it’s not really the warm fuzzy feel good holiday that it has become, but I digress. Today is Hallmark’s big day of the year and the one that drives florists and candy makers toward that magical elusive black financial status if they do it right. Did you help?
Me, I didn’t, but I really never do. Today is Valentines, but it is also the second Saturday of February which is tax day for me. Every year, like clockwork, we forego the Saturday sleep in and head to the accountant to make the numbers work out and hope there’s money coming instead of going. This year, our big gift is noticing that the student loan company sent me a different figure on the interest paid sheet that goes to the IRS from what the last statement of 2014 showed… So I decided I’d do a little maths as well as check up on my original calculations I carried out prior to my education using a student loan calculator, I think I’ve finally got to the bottom of it and made a conclusion… They under reported me, by about $500. So, though it is the second Saturday of February and I should be all done, now I have to get an amended form and file an amended return because it changes my taxes by almost $100…money TO me.
It is these little detail things that make me crazy and want to settle into my writing but at the same time keep me distracted from writing because I want to rant and rave and scream. That, and it’s really frigid here and I want a steak to celebrate not having to pay in for another year and it’s far too cold for the grill. Somedays it feels like I cannot win.
I of course will sit and write, it’s what has to happen for the work to get done, but I wonder at a bit of happy for a change on this holiday of pink and sweet. What did you do today to celebrate? Are you the hearts and flowers kind? Did you spend your morning tucked in the warm covers and linger because it made you content? Share with us. We want to know. ((and let’s face it, a little happy goes a long way))