The clouds are heavy as they approach to dump between 6″ and a foot. They are to get more to the south of us which is odd, but I’m taking comfort in the fact that I’m prepared. Had to fight it out at the grocer and walmart to be prepared, but I’ve survived.
There will be food on the table, a roof overhead, warm clothes to snuggle, and family tucked in for the duration of the storm. We’ve been spoiled this year, and I’ll take that too. Guess maybe this is mother nature’s way of telling me it’s time to tuck in and get to work. With less to do out and about, I write better in the winter months as I’m not as distracted.
The unseasonably warm temps well into November this year have made staying in the chair a futile exercise. I’m actually okay with that too after the long lingering winter last year. Everything in it’s time. Now, it’s time for snow.
Welcome Winter. -Abyrne