New Year – Monday feels the same

Monday…just the word is menacing and foreboding, eh? This Monday is month end, quarter end, surgery for my father, wrap the to-do list, and pack for another signing day…which may spill into Tuesday at this rate. I cannot possibly tell you about the last...

New Year – same hustle

Booking in Biloxi is just over a week away, and like last year, I’m humping the deadlines to get everything off my desk before I leave. Last year, I had a lovely river house, seclusion, and quiet to spend my writing retreat time, though I wasn’t there...

NYN….wait, which way is up?

It’s March…how is it MARCH already? It feels like we just started this year and we’re on the cusp of wrapping the first quarter already? WAIT…I’m not ready. I’ve been completely slammed with projects…writer ones, and...

NY – kill me know

I just realized I missed posting yesterday. I spent the evening trying to wrap a WIP that’s coming due SOON. Because being left to finish my task is simply not part of the agenda around here, I spend the last of the evening fighting with the youngest about...