It’s done. Phoenix Rising is now listed on Amazon. You can preorder the Kindle edition now. The official release date is April 5.

When I got the email stating that everything was up and running on Amazon, I was positively giddy with excitement. It was official. I am now a published author. That’s some heady stuff right there, let me tell you.

Now comes the hard part, for me anyway, pushing for sales and promoting myself. And then there’s waiting for everyone’s reaction to my book. I know not everyone is going to like it. And I’m okay with that. Everyone has an opinion. I just hope to learn from this part the same way I’ve been learning everything else. Take it as it’s offered and make it work for me. If I know what the problem is, I can fix it. Or at least address it. I can certainly learn from it.

Things are coming together for my debut at TNEE in Atlanta. I placed my order for books, they should be in March 29. I’ve got my banners and swag. I’m putting together my basket of goodies for the Gift Basket Raffle. I think I’ve got everything covered. All I have to do now is wait for the days to go by. And at the rate things are happening, it will be here before I know it.

Oops… just thought of something else. Where is that list? 😉

Till next week,

               ~ Madison