It’s started…the autumn rains which herald the coming damp and cold that become snow and ice.  It’s okay. Let it rain. Hereabouts, we need it.
There’s still a parade. As I really don’t have a large wealth of contribution this day, I wanted to shout out to three of my Eclectic Bard Books colleagues this week.
To Jolanthe Aleksander who is featured in Cherry Adair’s New Author Friday today…check her out!
To Savannah Verte who found out she got Honorable Mention for Debut Author for the BTS awards for 2015.
And last, but certainly not least, to Miranda Shanklin who found out that she is a finalist for the Best Cover in the BTS awards for 2015. The winner will be announced at TNEE in Atlanta in April.
Amid the rain drops are bright spots of news. Hope everyone finds a piece for themselves today. ‘Til next week, read something good.  -Abyrne