FINALLY. We put Kingdoms Fall to bed over the weekend and it is off the desk for the next couple weeks. I am elated. I think my cohort in crime is too. Then again, he wrote it twice, I only did it once.
The base image for the cover was finalized too. click two things off the list. I’m on FI-YAHHH.
So now, it is on to an editing project that should be done in a week or so and getting the Technicolor yawn of sticky notes up on the wall for the next book on my agenda; Book of Change. I’m really jacked to write this one. I know approximately how long it will be, and thank gods…no where near the 95K+ that Kingdoms ended up being. Kingdoms Fall is huge.
I have an insanely aggressive first quarter agenda this year for myself & for the house and we are already 1/3rd done. So far, we’re right on track. This Rhino is running, make no mistakes.
Kingdoms Fall is done -CHECK.
The re-release and recover for Warrior’s Watchtower is nearly done and will hit very soon all prettied up and re-sized to match books 1 & 3. (3 will be out in March) -almost Check
The editing project for an author we’re debuting at the beginning of Q2 is on the desk ready to roll.
The plot for Book of Change is half on stickies ready to hit the wall and as soon as the editing project is done moves to the desk between finalizing the editing calls to Kingdoms to send it to the printer…PHEW.
If you’re excited about any of these titles…I will have all of the Vengelys series with me at Booking in Biloxi in March. The new author will debut, and gods willing Book of Change will too at The Novel Experience Event Atlanta in April, and I’ll have them at the North Iowa Book Bash April 30th too.
After that…all bets are off. I might need a break. 🙂
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