(another N because it’s good advice even if it isn’t November)

Another “N”

By Abyrne | November 4, 2013
I know we did “N” last, but it’s NOVEMBER….that means NANOWRIMO, so we’re doing it again.
The last “N” was about Never giving up…NANO is about something bigger, very Nike-esq if you are from that era…and that is, JUST DO IT!
NaNoWriMo is about thousands of writers sitting down to do the thing that makes us a collective…We WRITE. Whether you are a beginner, or a novice, or a full fledged, published, successful author…there is one thing that holds true for every single one of us…if you don’t do the words (WRITE) you aren’t a writer.
This too we’ve known all along, though maybe not in this venue. Whatever it is that you want to do or need to do, you have to buckle down and do it. Fail forward is progress, as are crappy first drafts. Whatever it is, don’t give up. Keep going. Feel the fear and do it anyway…that’s how you win the game.
Here’s to your work!