((Firstly, MONSTER shout out to Damaged Goods for the photo))
Today’s post is a bit of a rant, and a bit of ‘business plan 101.’ Those of you who know me, ought to be aware that I will err on the side of professional, caution, and calm. I may be seething…but. Those who know me also know that when I’m at the end of the rope, all bets are off.
Today is one of those, ‘Run’ days. Don’t matter what direction, don’t matter if you’re dressed for it, RUN. Period. You do not want to be between me and the devil I’m chasin. My horn is down and I’m focused. I will run this down. I will not deter, give up, or give in until I am fully satisfied. Why? Because at the end of the day, right now…I’m pissed off.
So, why am I pissed you might ask? I am pissed because under the guise of a really terrific idea, I have encountered not only an incredibly disorganized undertaking, but also I have been witness to the blame game, finger-pointing, it’s not my fault drama that can ONLY be seen as fraud, and taking advantage because it was NEW…maybe some have even fallen for it and are happily humming along.
Kinda like THIS.
Not this gal. No sir. I’m pissed, and have re-loaded.
Which brings me to the Business 101 portion of todays post. Let’s start with the basics shall we?
1-DO NOT accept money for a job you cannot perform.
2-DO NOT sign contracts with third-party venues if you do not have the ability to fill said venues..
3-DO NOT spend the money you have erroneously collected until such time as the job is completed. THUS if someone catches wind of your shenanigans you can refund the money timely and NOT be facing a fraud charge. đŸ™‚
4-DO your homework on what your endeavor will take to bring to fruition.
5-DO make sure the people working for/with you are capable of providing the service/s you have advertised.
6-DO own up to your short falls and mistakes. NO ONE wants to hear about how it is everyone’s fault but yours.
No, I’m not naming names. Not yet. I may or may not depending on what tune I hear from this person/vendor in short order. I have tried to be courteous and professional throughout, but this scenario may well deteriorate quickly down to the dreg and I will be warning EVERY AUTHOR I KNOW not to do business with them…it’s up to them and the ball is in their court right now.
For every one else…Be aware, Be careful and look out for one another. We are in this thing together, and it’s really not as big a world as some of us like to think.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours this week.