When is enough, enough?

My granddaughter asked me the other day, “When are you going to be finished with your book?” She wasn’t satisfied with the answer, “I really don’t know.” She didn’t understand, and I have no idea how to explain to an 8 year old what I’m facing as far as finishing my...

There's still a parade

It’s started…the autumn rains which herald the coming damp and cold that become snow and ice.  It’s okay. Let it rain. Hereabouts, we need it. There’s still a parade. As I really don’t have a large wealth of contribution this day, I...

Mind. Blown.

If you are a writer and you don’t have a writing buddy, I strongly suggest you get one. And, not just any one…pick the person that is never satisfied with the simple answers. Pick someone who is also not intimidated to ask you the questions that bubble up...

Some people call me a space cowboy

The names are many. I’ve been called intense, abstract, aloof, focused, manic, obsessive, difficult, and a perfectionist. I probably am, all of the above. And, I don’t apologize for any of them. I believe whole heartedly that this list is sorely...