When you grab the bull…

((Firstly, MONSTER shout out to Damaged Goods for the photo)) Today’s post is a bit of a rant, and a bit of ‘business plan 101.’ Those of you who know me, ought to be aware that I will err on the side of professional, caution, and calm. I may be...

A day in the life ….

This past weekend I almost gave myself a heart attack. While going through the chapters of my second book, I noticed that several of the last chapters were missing. I panicked! So much for not working on any book … this became a priority! I went through my file...

Snowing in

The clouds are heavy as they approach to dump between 6″ and a foot. They are to get more to the south of us which is odd, but I’m taking comfort in the fact that I’m prepared. Had to fight it out at the grocer and walmart to be prepared, but...

Nobody knows it but me

Does the world turn upside down? Do Scath inhabitants usurp the crown? Do all who’ve gone through, live to fight? Does light become ‘day,’ and dark become ‘night?” Nobody knows it but me. Does Rigor’s fury condemn or prevail? Do we...