Re-release party TOMORROW!

It’s almost that day…re-release day for Warrior’s Watchtower. The SLIGHT revisions have all been made and the book is ready to load up for the party. Lady Amber promotions has the gig and is getting ready to host and hand out PRIZES…all...

Thankful for Social

It’s monday, Social Media – Savie Monday. Today I have a great post to share that I found. One I’m grateful to have already navigated part of, but one worth sharing just the same. Enjoy....

Not your wednesday post

I know…I’m supposed to post on wednesdays. I missed…again. But, I’m here now, actually with a few things to tell you. First off, I got the scores back from RomCon with the reader reviews for Warrior’s Watchtower. WW did significantly...

Social – Saavie

On any given day if you subscribe to enough sites there are some phenomenal insights to writing…Here’s another I found recently.   How to Write Character Reaction Patterns...

Crappy first drafts

  Welcome back worders and guests. Today my topic is crappy first drafts…why? Because at the moment that is exactly what I have and exactly what I am hoping to accomplish. The cliché’s are endless…when you begin you aren’t writing,...

Savie's Social Media find

Saw this last week and it is in so many ways the anthesis of motivational…but at the same time perfect motivation too.  Hope you like it!

Some days ya gotta crow…

The Red Queen launched finally late last week. After several long months of struggle to get Margaret to wrap it up so I could take it to print, she sat back and said “That’s all you get…for now.” Yes, there is more to come from our friend Mags...

Worder Wednesday goes aWry

Welcome back!  Actually you were probably here weren’t you and I missed the post last week…50 lashes.  Ugh.  Things have been topsy-turvy at club Aedan lately. As many of you know, I have two teenage daughters. The past 10 days have been ACT’s and...

Social Savie shifts to Mondays

It it a hard thing to be an aspiring writer. Everything I’m doing is relevant, but no one knows me from the door so why pay attention to anything I am or am not doing? After talking with the powers that be at EBB we have decided to let me merge my wandering...